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::: :::
08-11-2023, 11:55 AM : 1
aya atef


aya atef

Post #


E-HR technology and recent trends in human resource applications and practices"
Advanced management and modern trends for personnel and career development"
Modern methods of career replacement and resettlement in human resources"
Modern skills in linking the career path to the training course"
================================================== =================

Drawing up procedures and policies of personnel in modern organizations"
Job management in modern institutions"
Recent trends in training policies"
HR Specialist Business partner roles, responsibilities and competencies"
================================================== =================

Performance management Goal setting and evaluation"
================================================== =================

Certified Specialist in polarization and recruitment"
Outstanding performance in human resource and personnel management"
Re-engineering human resources according to the needs of the organization"
================================================== =================

Preparation of career plans, policies, programs and performance evaluation"
Human Performance Management"
Preparation and qualification of a specialist and coordinator of human resources and training"
Polarization, interviewing and selection strategies"
================================================== =================

Practices and strategies for engaging staff"
Management skills in human resources"
Identify training needs and evaluate training"
================================================== =================

Empowerment and resettlement as a means of strengthening human resources"
Manpower Planning and Budgeting"
Training of trainers intensive workshop"
Prepare and analyze reports using Excel for Human Resources and Management Specialist"
================================================== =================

Advanced career development and Planning of career progression"
Compensation and functional benefits"
Applying of information technology in the development of human resources"
Development of institutional performance"
================================================== =================

Management and coordination of training courses"
Professional skills of human resources management staff"
Staff relations roles and responsibilities"
Development of human resources leadership"
================================================== =================

A Certified Specialist in human resources from the traditional concept of partnership in business"
Preparation, analysis and management of salaries"
Strategies for analyzing, designing and characterizing jobs and assessing job performance"
Management of training activity planning, identification of needs and preparation of training budgets"
================================================== =================

Writing human resources policies and procedures"
Certified Training Manager"
Principles of Labor Law for Human Resources Specialist"
Prepare and Configure individuals to assume higher responsibilities"
Management, job performance development and Building organizational capacity of organizations"
================================================== =================

Authorized Organizational Development"
Excellence and Total Quality Management for Human Resources and Training"
Skilled Certified Trainer"
Competency-based interviews are the highest standards in interviewing"
================================================== =================

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