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Real Estate in hurghada

HPK Leading Real Estate Agency inHurghada

HPK Real Estate in Hurghada is a top agency with great service and a wide range of properties. With years of experience in the market, HPK Real Estate has built a reputation for reliability and professionalism. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you find the perfect property that meets your needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a vacation home, an investment property, or a permanent residence, HPK Real Estate is committed to providing you with the best real estate solutions
in Hurghada.

In summary, Makadi Heights exemplifies a model of luxurious living on the Red Sea coast. It offers a perfect balance between natural beauty and opulence, providing an integrated residential environment that combines modern architectural design with comprehensive lifestyle amenities. Makadi Heights is a great option for people looking to invest and live by the Red Sea.

Soma Bay I Blanca :

Soma Bay Blanca is a luxurious destination in Somabay with access to mesmerizing beaches and world class amenities. Developed to be the enchanting heart of Soma bay, Blanca features a myriad of amenities and activities that allows you to have a truly one of a kind experience. These amenities include numerous fine dining restaurants, a marina, cafes, health club and 24 hour security.

Blanca is found right in the middle of Somabay, next to White Beach. Somabay itself has an ideal location spread across 10 million square meters in the Red Sea, Just 20 minutes from Hurghada International Airport. and Only a 4 hour flight far from Central Europe.

Blanca Sombay boasts a diverse selection of standalone villas, lofts, cabanas, twin houses and chalets. Designed with your needs in mind, the properties in Blanca have a unique blend of spaciousness, authenticity and comfort.

Blanca’s exclusive location grants its community an ideal mix of uninterrupted relaxation, powered by the lively happenings of Somabay’s White Beach next door. The development distinctly lies in a quiet spot straight in the heart of the bay to invite nature and heavenly views into every corner of your home.

Blanca Gardens - Soma Bay

Blessed with low humidity, dry desert winds, and a prime location with pristine sea views, Somabay crafts an exciting family itinerary that turns ordinary life into a dream come true.
Here is where exquisite ribbons of sand are backed by lush green golf views and lapped by turquoise waters sleeping at the foot of red mountain peaks. Captivating beneath the water as above, Somabay is one of the few places on earth that does beach-front luxury so effortlessly.
Somabay is the home of five opulent resort hotels as well as a renowned portfolio of residential homes. Its unique surroundings and full range of first-rate amenities set the stage for unforgettable adventures with friends and family.

Blanca Gardens soma Bay is the last edition of Soma Bay’ Properties projects, with exclusive location grants its community an ideal mix of uninterrupted relaxation, powered by the lively happenings of Somabay’s White Beach next door.

Blanca Gardens has a wide range of chalets to suit all requirements and price ranges. Blanca Gardens offers a variety of chalets to suit every type of traveler, from small and intimate ones ideal for a romantic retreat to large and opulent ones ideal for a family holiday.

Soma Bay West Valley

Welcome to SomaBay - Bay West Valley: A Paradisaical Retreat Unveiled

Discover the epitome of luxury living at Soma Bay Bay West Valley, an exclusive project that redefines coastal elegance on the shores of the Red Sea. Nestled within the breathtaking landscape of Soma Bay, this development promises a harmonious blend of natural beauty, sophisticated design, and world-class amenities.

Tucked away between Soma’s West Coast and the idyllic backdrop of the Red Sea mountains lies the West Valley, a magical residential sanctuary boasting the renowned, soothing architecture of Baywest, set within a picturesque, valley walking distance from the tranquil sea of Soma.

Unit Types:

Why Choose Soma Bay Bay West Valley:

Developer Excellence:
Developed by industry leaders known for their commitment to quality and innovation, Soma Bay Bay West Valley reflects a legacy of excellence.

Prime Location:
Enjoy the privilege of residing in one of the most sought-after locations on the Red Sea. Soma Bay's reputation as a premium destination ensures a unique and enriching lifestyle.

Indulge. Immerse. Invest in the Extraordinary.

Makadi Heights for sale :

offers luxurious living near the Red Sea :

Welcome to Makadi Heights, a beautiful residential area develped by Orascom. A great place for investors and residents seeking a wonderful living experience near the Red Sea. Nestled in the heart of the Red Sea's beauty, Makadi Heights offers a lifestyle of luxury and comfort. Step into a world where modern elegance meets natural beauty, providing you with the perfect retreat to call home.
Apartments for Sale in Hurghada

Makadi Heights offers a range of luxurious living options. These include small apartments and large villas. The options cater to different preferences.
One Bedroom Apartment with Garden
Experience the beauty of a well-designed one-bedroom apartment with a private garden. Ideal for individuals or couples seeking a tranquil getaway.
Two Bedrooms Apartment with Garden
Great for small families, these apartments have two bedrooms and a garden for relaxing and outdoor fun.
Three Bedrooms Duplex
The three-bedroom duplexes provide extra space and a private garden, combining luxury and functionality.
Villa With Private Pool
Experience ultimate luxury in our villas, each featuring a private pool and garden. These homes are made for people who want luxury and comfort.
Buy Apartment in Hurghada: Makadi Heights Features

Contemporary Design
Your apartment at Makadi Heights boasts a contemporary design that seamlessly blends sophistication with functionality. High-quality finishes and thoughtful layouts create a living space that is both stylish and comfortable.
Panoramic Views
Wake up to breathtaking views of the Red Sea or the surrounding mountains, depending on your apartment's location. Enjoy the serenity of nature right outside your window.
Spacious Interiors
Each apartment has lots of room for relaxing and having fun. The open living areas create a cozy and inviting atmosphere throughout the home


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